Founders and Senior Leaders of Presence Encounter Ministries, Patrick and Deborah Rogers are Kingdom catalysts. Having a heart for the Presence of God, their passion is to see others connect with and experience a tangible encounter with God’s presence.
Their vision is to equip and activate the saints to live a supernatural lifestyle with signs, wonders and miracles and to see the people of God become aware of who they are and walk in their true identity as sons and daughters, co-laboring with the Holy Spirit to bring transformation to people, cities and nations.
Through revelatory and interactive teaching, people experience transformation and become activated to see the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit with signs, wonders, and miracles operate in their everyday life. Ordinary Saints walking in extraordinary exploits. The Rogers’ long to see true spiritual awakening that causes the people of God to walk in their identity as sons and daughters.
Patrick and Deborah Rogers served faithfully many years as Senior Pastors of Round Rock Chapel in the greater Austin, Texas area and in 2017 transitioned to senior members of the Pastoral team of Oasis Church, Round Rock, Texas. The Rogers actively preached at Oasis and taught in the School of Ministry and the School of the Spirit. Now in 2018 the Rogers
travel nationally and internationally to churches, conferences and gatherings.
The Rogers are based out of House of Texas House of Prayer in Georgetown, Texas an Apostolic Center.
They thank you for the honor of your invitation and they look forward to the opportunity of partnering with you and to be part of what God is doing in your city.
"Today was special because we were in a safe place to experience the presence and the power of God. There was no fear. There was no condemnation. It was just spending time with our loving Father and seeing what he wanted to accomplish."
"Patrick is one of the most gifted teachers with an anointing to activate identity and giftings I've ever heard. I have been in ministry for over 35 years and have never met anyone with any more passion for recognizing and celebrating God's tangible presence! It is the underlying foundation of this ministry and is evident in every sermon, prayer, and Prophetic word spoken from either Patrick or Deborah.".
"Old experiences had caused me to look at God through a filter that altered who He truly was in my mind and heart. That filter was destroyed this weekend. I see God for who He is and I finally see who I am because of Him.""
"One of the many things I deeply appreciated about this ministry is, it was Spirit-led and centered. I have been to conferences that have relied on stimulating or manipulating emotion and calling it the Spirit or presence of God. When this happens, once the emotion fades, the 'presence of God' evaporates. While this was a deeply moving conference, it did not rely on manufacturing or manipulating emotion. Because it was predicated on the leading of the Holy Spirit, the presence of God, and the revelation that came with the presence, it has remained strong. That may also be due to the teaching on becoming aware of and stewarding the presence of God. Thank you for sharing your revelation and gifts! This was invaluable and the seed planted will yield a great harvest!"
"During the conference, I felt so loved by God; like He paid extra-special attention to me: through Pastor Patrick, Pastor Gene, Deborah, the incredible words spoken over me, God’s engulfing presence, and how God used me when I listened to and obeyed Him when He wanted me to speak out. My wounded, dry places had been quenched in the rain of God’s love. It was a long time coming and hard-fought for, but after the conference was over I realized the hurts were soothed, covered in God’s love. Memories that once brought any number of emotions – hurt, sadness, anger, loneliness – became simply memories of something that happened to me before. In their place, I found joy, peace, assurance of God’s presence, and hope. That’s the gold … hope. Hope in the Living God who sees me cares for me, meets my needs, and calls me Beloved."
"I came to the conference in a knee brace. I had been in this brace for a month and a half due to a torn meniscus and several severely sprained tendons including the patellar tendon. Despite the time, treatment and proper support, my knee was not healing. In fact, it was getting worse. During lunch, the Spirit called me to the sanctuary. I wanted to kneel at the altar, but kneeling was something I just couldn't do. My knee would only flex about 3/4 of what it needed to in order to kneel. So I got on my knees and put my forehead on the step in front of me. I wanted just to be in God's presence. After a time the Spirit said "kneel" so I brought my head up and sat back on my heals! I was able to fully flex my knee. Then the Spirit said, "Do all the things you haven't been able to do." So I did. Everything worked! I was healed".
Pastor Patrick asked me to give my testimony the next day and then pray for others to be healed. In the past when these opportunities had come up, I would be struck with fear, but this time I just felt ready. God is doing something new! I ended up praying for five other people with visibly shorter legs and each one lengthened. I am totally blown away!".