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"As the conference went on and as I prayed, worshiped, and got prayed for, the Holy Spirit’s presence was on me so strong that my hands were shaking like crazy. Gene and Pastor Patrick, the two speakers during the conference, saw God’s holy presence on me and had me lay hands on three different people. As I laid hands on these people, they fell backwards from God’s touch. It was astounding. Gene taught me how to release the Spirit onto others, and told me that I have an anointing. I have never been so touched by God in my entire life. I couldn’t contain myself. I will forever be changed, and I will be working my hardest to never let this slip away."



"Received prayer for one leg being “shorter” than the other. (Mine is actually a result of my spine being out of alignment. I’ve been seeing a chiropractor for a few weeks, but is hasn’t stayed aligned and continued to hurt.) Today  I am mostly pain free and it feels normal when I walk. I can also sleep on my left side without pain, which I couldn’t do before. When I walk up the stairs, it doesn’t hurt, which it did before.."



"There had been one time, in college, where someone had mentioned the possibility of me having a misalignment, or a limb shorter than the other.  A vague memory, I sat down and put my legs out, and one was visibly shorter than the other. He prayed and before my eyes it changed.  I stood up and walked and it felt different. Lighter, straighter, less difficult, in place. After the first session, Pastor Patrick told me that the plan would be to give my testimony and then pray for others to be healed.  In the past when these opportunities had come up, I would be struck with fear, but this time I just felt ready.  God is doing something new! I ended up praying for five other people with visibly shorter legs and each one lengthened. I am totally blown away!".



"Breakthrough happened in our church during those meetings. . Praise God!"


"One of the most powerful revelations of the Encounter God weekend was a simple statement made by Pastor Rogers. He said that when we understand the presence of God we will be able to receive healing. We won't need

someone else to do it for us.

This statement struck me."



"I was in need of joy and the Lord put me on the floor as I Laughed in the Holy Spirit for total about 30 minuets. Laughter is as a medicine. It was also nice to see folks

in our church be ministered to in

a gentle way.".

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